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Stefano Vaccari

His interest and passion in music began playing guitar a long time ago, switching to drums in 1998.  After some experience with the band “Firemakers”, Stefano becomes one of the founder of the band PropheXy (earlier known as Prophecy).

At first focusing on metal drumming, then exploring other genres and styles, he participates in various projects and bands: “Alter Es” (folk-rock), “Little G and the Colour frame band” (’60 ’70 rock), “Echi dal ’68” (theatrical piece), “Bed peace” (t.p.), “Note a pie` di pagina” (t.p.), “Le Fragole” (pop-rock), “Three of a perfect pair” (jazz trio).

His experience in audio recording/mastering helped PropheXy exploiting in-house production since the beginning, from demo tapes to the last record “Alconauta”.

He plays a Gretsch drumset with Sabian/Zildjian cymbals and custom stacks.

He’s also the author of the software Drum Count, a tool to count drum-hits in real time.